talk big的用法与搭配
v. 吹牛;放空炮;说大话;唱高调
1. 吹牛皮
2. 讲大话
3. 说大话,吹牛
4. 大言不惭
5. 夸嘴
- Schlomo helps adolf understand his power to talk big . Calamity takes its course .
- 舒尔默让阿道夫懂得吹牛说大话的力量灾难从此开始。
- Chinese look down on people who talk big .
- 中国看不起说大话的人。
- You always talk big . Don 't believe you .
- 你总是吹牛,不相信你。
- He loved to talk big and brag about a variety of things to other people .
- 他喜欢说大话,很多事情都喜欢跟人乱掰一通。
- The guy likes to talk big so we took his adventure story with a grain of salt .
- 此人喜欢吹牛,因此我们对他说的冒险故事保留怀疑态度.
- You can 't believe more than half of what he says he always likes to talk big .
- 他的话一半你也别相信,他们总是爱吹牛。
- A person who likes to talk big is not reliable .
- 爱说大话的人不可靠。
- Will have self-confidently really only will then talk big in there .
- 真的有自信才会在那里说大话。
- I don 't like the ones ( = those ) who talk big .
- 我不喜欢那些说大话的人。
- When people have a difficult time we should earnestly and sincerely do their best to help must not just talk big empty promises .
- 当别人有困难的时候,要诚心诚意尽自己的力量去帮助,决不能只说大话,开空头支票。